
Nutshell Library

My daughter turns three this week, which is wonderful, but she is impossible to shop for. She is really just content with her blankets and stuffed animals and the occasional "pretty," and would be satisfied as long as her birthday included balloons, the birthday song, and a pink cake.

She does adore books, especially if they are small, so if no other ideas come to mind she will just be getting the perfectly tiny and wonderfully illustrated Nutshell Library by Maurice Sendak. Looking through each book brought back wonderful memories of reading this playful set when I was little, and I am excited to see my little girl enjoy it.

A Nutshell Library for my little nut. How fitting.

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Anonymous said...

Happy 3 to your little nut !
and thank you for remembering me these books, that used to be mine when I was little !

Fiddlestitches said...

I used to have that set when I was little. What a great gift for your little one.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful little set -- especially Chicken Soup With Rice!

Anonymous said...

I love tiny things!