Because we would like to help you out a bit too,
We have an Aveeno's Anti-Aging Moisturizing Set
($60 value) for one lucky Mother!

($60 value) for one lucky Mother!

To enter, leave us a comment either telling us your favorite anti-aging tip or tell us just exactly why you feel you are aging quicker than you should (Leaving your kid's names would be completely understandable!)
*Please leave your name with the comment, we will get contact information after you win.
*Duplicate comments or comments without a name will be ignored.
*One entry per person, please.
*Giveaway will be open for comments until Midnight PST on Mother's Day, Sunday May 11th.
*Winner will be picked at random and announced Monday Afternoon.*Giveaway will be open for comments until Midnight PST on Mother's Day, Sunday May 11th.
*Winner must contact us within one week of the giveaway closing or a new winner will be chosen.
I am religous about sunscreen! No need to have even more lines!
I don't really have any anti-aging tips, but I definitely feel as though I am aging fast. My oldest daughter was born with a disability and requires a lot of work. We had another daughter 19 months later. Neither walk so I spend all day working with my oldest and carrying them around. I spend night getting up with them. Have two kids has made me age quite a bit faster than I'd like.
Well... I don't really have any anti-aging tips either. I probably need them! I'm still fairly young and probably don't do anything I should. I do avoid putting too much "stuff" on my face, but I could definitely use some moisturizing! My kids are young, but I can already feel that they will help me age a bit!
Sarah E.
When I'm putting on moisturizer I always rub up instead of down. Gravity already takes care of the down part!
-Allison W.
K.I.D.S. do a doozy on my aging process! :) Love them, but don't love the wrinkles!
My mother taught me to use moisterizer with sunscreen every day sicne I was 13!
I am all about the moisturizer as well. But having 3 1/2 kids pretty much ages me as fast as I can!! =)
I too love the sunscreen. Last summer I was sick of having a white face, so I went without and started getting sun spots! I'm back to using the sun screen again.
Kendra Meyers
Let's see, my best tip: use vaseline to moisturize around your eyes - it's supposed to do amazing things! It's hard to see yourself looking older, but I must say that I kind of like the smile lines :).
I love Aveeno products! Living in Florida you always need sunscreen and aveenos is great! Amy Morris
Love aveeno love giveaways ! My tip is always wash your face at night and moisturize like everyone pretty much said! Happy Mothers Day girls!!
I am aging quicker because I had my second baby 5 mos ago and she is a horrible night sleeper. SHe wakes up 3-5 times a night still! I can't let her cry it out becuase of our current living situation (which is changing soon!) and I don't get any sleep. I'm only 25 and I am noticing giant bags under my eyes. I don't like it not one little bit.
pregnancy has aged me more than i ever thought it would. i'm just thankful i was blessed with such a wonderful baby boy. he makes me forgot all the ailments of my post-pregnancy body! i would love to try the aveeno anti-aging products.
oh me oh me oh me!! I hope I win!!
I have to take my make up off everynight no matter how tired I am. If I don't I feel like a wrinkley elephant the next day! I love to lather on the cream before bed and waking up refreshed.
And, sunscreen...that's a huge one!
My anti-aging tip is to sleep and use vaseline on your hands and feet. Since, I don't seem to get as much sleep as I would like as a mom of two, vaseline is about all I can fit in!
3 kids 6 and under, husband gone A LOT. Need I say more? I NEED this!
I wake throughout the night to comfort cries. I have a 3 minute shower and quickly throw on whatever I can find to spend an hour bathing, moisturizing and primping my 2 boys. I don't have time to moisturize - yet a constant application of lotion keeps my boys' skin like butter. I'll grab a few crackers - wouldn't dare eat the gorgeous berries and kiwi I just brought home form the grocery store - they're for the boys. And buy anti-aging creams... how? my arms are full of diapers, wipes and crayons!
Yes, I blame all of the above for making me age much quicker than I should but hell, I don't have time to look in the mirror!
A new friend saw my wedding photos and couldn't stop gushing about how great I looked. She also kept saying how I look so different now.
Yeah, 2 kids have done me in. Sign me up please!
Loraine H.
Jack and Joey and a lazy husband!
I need to use sunblock more often and this would get me started, thanks for the giveaway!
I think I am aging quicker than I should because of all the time I spent in the sun during my un-wise, younger years! Drats.
Moisturizing is my favorite anti-aging tip. So many woman don't realize how important it is to keep your face moisturized.
Lindsay Smith
My tip would be to use sunscreen on your body and not just on your face. You don't want your body to look older than your face. And of course, to smile- it hides the wrinkles! And I'm aging because I worry too much and it turns me into a stress ball!
As a brand new mom at 36 and with my 20 year high school coming up I need all the anti-aging help I can get! My friends all have teenagers and I have a 9 month old! Best tip: Go Sunless Tanner! Try Sally Hansen's Airbrush Spray for legs! It's a knockout! ;)
Donnell Thompson
I have TWIN BOYS...need I say more?
Why I feel I am aging quicker than I should: I've had gray hair since the 7th grade, and with my first baby due in a month I have a feeling things can only get worse! I would love to win this giveaway! -Kristin R.
stay out of the sun!!!
I use moisturizer with SPF in it everyday. I have fair skin so I need that. I haven't tried Aveeno's anti-aging line, but I've heard great things about it! I had my first baby 6 months ago and it has definitely taken a toll on me. lol
Well, my hubby swears by early to bed, early to rise and we've been doing that since we found out I'm pregnant. We're trying to stash/save up sleep. I started a count down: "Honey! We only have 3 more Saturdays to sleep in!" (And yet I'm so excited for our little bundle to come!) I would love the Aveeno anti-aging set since we're already fans of their line of products!
~Natalie T.
I don't have any aging tips..but I would love to try out the product!
My baby girl is keeping me young (at heart, that is). Sunscreen, exercise, a healthy diet and a happy disposition are what I use to wage the war on premature aging.
Marielle C.
Its my smile lines I hate, and now they seem permanently apart of my life! HELP!!!
All I can say is sunscreen! It is my only defense and seems to be lacking. I can use all the help I can get!
I have noticed a big difference on my face after I turned 30. I worry about wrinkles and like to try different products to help protect my freckles. Everyone wants to be 50 and look like they just turned 30 right?
My favorite anti-aging tip whether it works or not is removing my eye make-up with vaseline. It is easy, cheap, and keeps the area around my eyes feeling and looking young and smooth.
The best anti-aging tip: having children. While I may LOOK a lot older, having four children 5 & under, I'm younger and more alive than ever. Wouldn't all you moms agree? I've gained a whole new perspective on "beauty" and "aging" ... but I still do need a little "somethin' somethin'" - just so my skin lasts as long as my heart!! :)
Sarah, grateful mom and adoring wife
Exercise is a huge plus for me - and who wouldn't love moisturizer to help out the process! -Britta
I've never started aging until now. And i see the sahara slowly appearing on my face! I, like Indiana Jones say, "It isn't the age, it's the mileage!"
I love Aveeno and am sure this product is just as good as all their others.
love aveeno for the baby why not for me?
Sunscreen and water!
Haha! Yes my kids are rapidly aging me. I really try to stay out of the sun, sunscreen & lots of water..
Drink lots of water, use moisturizer and don't wear makeup when you don't have to. My early signs of aging are from the sun.
I try to remember sunscreen - especially on my face... That's about all I do though - not much...
My best anti-aging tip is to stay out of the sun. I wear moisturizer daily and only put on make-up when I am going out.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
Too much sun and stress is ruining my skin! Aging very quickly here...aargh!
I add one drop of organic jojoba oil to my moisturizer -- that's my anti-aging tip!
Stephanie V.
Sunscreen is of course the best and easiest tip there is! But definitely having kids speeds up the process. While I was giving birth, my husband decided that was a good time to point out my first gray hairs. Maybe husbands cause them too...?
Carrie H.
I use moisturizer with sunscreen. It is all I can do, but I do think I have good jeans-both my parents look fabulous, though we all have the crows feet around our eyes!
I cleanse every night and use sunscreen. I'm sure not enough sleep doesn't help.
vickers at comcast dot net
I'm with you - aging faster due to pregnancy/motherhood - I wouldn't trade it, but I'd still like to fight it!
I don't currently use a moisturizer. I'm lucky to have youthful looking skin but I can tell that the sun is starting to take it's toll. I need a good moisturizer to help keep my skin healthy as I age.
I'll take all the help I can get as I get older!
Tanning is overrated. Put on a good coat of sunscreen.
Anti- aging tip:
Take time out for mom. Small ones each day and every once in awhile leave the kids with my husband for a few days.
My tip: Take off all your makeup and moisturize at night. Every night.
I always moisturize and use sunscreen.
Always use sunscreen :)
living in Florida....must use sunscreen and wear a hat!
Always moisturize your skin and drink water. And I can vouch for Aveeno, I just love the stuff!! :)
I would have to say wear sunscreen.
I've been looking for a great moisturizer! This looks perfect. My husband and the sun have a huge part in the aging process!
I'm a firm believer that eating well helps skin look fresh and younger. So stock up on fruits, veggies, and whole grains!
sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Don't eat too much sugar (I know it's hard) and ALWAYS was your face at night.
krisindam at mac dot com
My sons were called imaginative and industrious. They did stuff to me every day. I couldn't keep up - like the one painting the inside of the other's ears with nail polish -- washing the INSIDE of my car with the hose, later blowing up our mailbox to see how much damage a cherry bomb could do, etc. etc. I am definately aged!
no tips here as I am getting older lookin by the minute. I have never indulged myself and never taken the money to buy products for skincare.In any fashion. The results are here; no one says "You look so much younger than that!" Now they say, "OH"...
I use my forehead a lot in everyday expression and have massive lines there--oh well, not going to not move my face. Ill have to try these products instead. Aveeno is a great company.
No real anti-aging tips here. I think my husband more than my kids is making me age quicker! LOL
With a bun in the oven, my skin is so... ugh. Help me! Kelly
Stay out of the sun in your older years...OH, and definately sleep on your back so not to scrunch your face and add more lines...
ababe28 at hotmail dot com
Teaching 4th grade for 8 years has aged me a ton!
Since I have two grown daughters (24&21) and two young daughters (5&2) I need all the help I can get. LOL!
I drink plenty of h2o, get rest and wear that sunscreen!!
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
Drink lots of water, exercise, use moisturizer. Great giveaway, thanks!
sunscreen every day!
I love Aveeno products too! Honestly I dont do much and I am certain I should. I have a 7 year old, am pregnant with my second and also have plenty reasons to age!:P
sunscreen is a must everyday!
What is making me't it all about experiences and beginning to look our age? I think some days I look older then others based upon how many hours of sleep I got --- or didn't get.
I have such sensitive skin that its hard to find products that I can use!
dansan826 at
Drink LOTS of water and get lots of sleep!
Switching to water & tea instead of soda has helped a lot.
I'm definitely experiencing premature aging from my two little ones. I really need this (and a vacation!)
I have to confess that I don't do much to take care of my skin. But in the past year I have become much more consistent with daily cleansing and moisturizing.
My skin has certainly taken a turn for the worse in the past year, since I had my baby. I've always had bags under my eyes, but now they're AWFUL. I haven't figured out any anti-aging tips that actually work, but I do hear that drinking lots of water does wonders for the skin.
I think the best anti-aging tip is moisturizer and sun screen. What a fun giveaway - I would love to win!
The best tip is always use sunscreen!!!!!!!!
I learned the hard way that you should be religious about using sunscreen while pregnant! Too bad I didn't...
A great tip is to use moisturizer with sunscreen!! :) Thanks!
bunnybox9 [at] gmail dot com
H2O- Water works for me!
I have always swore by Oil of Olay and I think that and genetics are the reason my skin looks so good. UNTIL.. I tried Aveeno a few weeks ago from a sample I got. I can honestly say, I'm a changed woman, I LOVE Aveeno and the product and how it makes my skin feel.. I'm sold!
My anti-aging tip is to listen to the music of your youth and dance to it. It is good exercise, and makes you happy and look and feel younger-maybe a little foolish, but who cares!
Although i feel my youth slipping at times.. especially with twins... I also feel it rejuvinated because of them.. i sometimes live trough their eyes, their innocence, and their laughter... It's great to forget the crows feet and the gray for a little while.. :) then i look at my husband and remember... shoot... we're old!! :)
Use sunscreen!
Using sunscreen helps. I am only 30 and I have a lot of gray hair already! 10 for each my 3 kids and 100 from my husband! :)
Ultra -Calming Foaming Cleanser
My antiaging tips I have used since I was 11 and learned them from my good friend and mentor that was in her 20's. She taught me several things, but, the most important, she said was to remember to moisturize daily with sunscreen and try to always wear a hat. I lived in the tropics for my first half of my life, so I am sure this has helped me remain wrinkle free. (so far, nothing has been found on my yearly mole patrol), But, my mom and sisters have all had to have face lifts and botox injections already and my sis is younger then I! Even my brother does the botox!
I also learned that Olive oil was the best body moisturizer you could find. No stretch markes or chicken skin to be found on my body! And then another important thing was to care for my feet by using a pumice stone at least every other day, applying Olive Oil and covering with white cotton socks. My pedicurist is always amazed at how soft my feet are, I have never had to have them use a scraper yet!
Aveeno has always been one of my favorite products, especially in the bath soaks. But, I did get a sample of the moisturizer for the face and body in the mail and LOVE IT! I have never used this one before, only the body creams.
The only thing that makes me feel much older then my stated age is my MS. This makes me feel 20 years older then I am, some times even older then that. But, I can at least say...I look younger! The kids...they are responsible for making my smile lines the most noticible lines on my face. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway,
CUsmile at comcast dot net.
I try to use sun screen a lot to help prevent wrinkles!
Hi, I have been going through peri
menopause for quite awhile and now the "real" stuff has set in! This is doing strange things to my body and skin. I would appreciate winning anti
aging Aveeno products. Please enter me in your drawing. I really appreciaate it.....Thanks,Cindi
I am aging faster than I should because of WAY too much sunbathing. I've cut it out now, but the damage is done.
pezdispenser at telus dot net
Since I am so pale, I've been wearing sunscreen for decades now and I think that has helped a lot. But now the lines I get are laugh lines, and that's just fine with me. :)
I always wear sunglasses when I am outside. Whether its summer or winter I always wear them. It helps me to squint less so I get less wrinkles!
Maggie Smith
Why am I aging quicker than I should? You are right - my kids.
But they keep me feeling youthful inside!
Be sure to come by my site for my current giveaways!
I feel like I am aging quicker than I should because I don't take care of my skin....
Unfortunately, I'm aging quicker than I should because of deaths in my family, grief, and stress :( *Thanks* for the giveaway!
ols dot moonmaiden at gmail dot com
Staying out of the sun is the best advice I have to offer.
Theresa N
I'm aging too quickly because of stress and not enough sleep!
A 2 year old little boy and a mom that doesn't go to bed when she should, I feel like I may be aging faster that I should and techincally I am still young!
I'm aging fast from my two year old son and eight year old daughter who fight every second. Even before my kids I had a gray hair when I was in high school. Now I have more then one gray hair and I'm only 28. Plus I have not been taking care of my skin.
water water water
I allow things to stress me out and that ages me. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
Stand next to someone much older. Sorry that's the only tip I have.
My secret beauty tip is to use olive oil around your eyes and lips when you go to sleep.
Its cheap and it works!! I'm 44 and don't have many lines at all on my face.
Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen.
never leave without sunscreen on my face and in my bag. On my kids too, much to their dismay. They'll thank me someday!!
I think my best tip would be to keep your skin clean and moist. There's no question that this very dry Arizona weather and sun has made my skin age!
My best tips are to get enough sleep and use sunscreen.
I think any fine lines and wrinkles I am seeing are directly related to having been a sun worshipper. I scoffed at sunscreen and slathered on baby oil while laying on my reflective silver blanket. I gave all of that up about 10 years ago but I'm sure damage was done and I'm just starting to see the effects. I'm so mad at myself.
I use sunscreen now, but not as a teenager when I baked in the sun. I had to get my summer tan.
tiramisu392 (at)
I use sunscreen on my hands.
Moisturizer is your friend. Always use it.
Sunscreen is super important! Moisturizer as well. I love Aveeno products. I'm not sure why I'm aging so quickly, probably my 2 daughters & my crappy thyroid :)
Sunscreen is so important - sadly I only began using it consistently D: Don't forget your ears too!
Well, unfortunately I am very bad at being good to my skin!! Especially my face. I am the one that makes sure my baby and husband are covered in sunscreen, but sadly I always forget myself!!
My Aunt Pam gave me this tip years ago. Every day, before you put your sunscreen and make-up on, rub a small amount of vaseline all over your face. This keeps the skin *really* soft and slows down wrinkles.
~ Allison M.
What do I do? I'm big on hats. It's sun protection, hair-hider, and major quick fix! What's not to love?
I am suddenly aging faster than ever before...maybe it's due to my wonderful 14 month old?!
I feel as though I have aged tramenously lately due to POTTY TRAINING. We've been working on it for nearly a year. UGH!!!
Where did all these lines come from??? At least I have smile lines, that has to mean something, right? Sunscreen should be used by all, even if you don't burn!
My favorite antiaging tip is to have good genes which I don't have. Seriously. I'm aging exponentially. After this last kid the not sleeping has taken it's toll. I'm 38 going on 48. Please help.
My anti-aging tip: Moisturize and get plenty of sleep.
I do think I'm getting wrinkles/fine lines a bit too early, though...I'm only 30. It does slip up on you. It seems like just yesterday I was a teenager worrying about acne. :0)
Avoid the sun if you can!
wrinkles- not sleeping a whole night's worth in um, 5 years?
mountainrailway at gmail dot com
wow, this sounds great!
I just turned 40 and that number is making me feel older :)
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