
A Little Thank-You Gift for Teachers

Today is my son's last day of preschool and as part of his class's thank-you to his amazing teachers we are giving them a copy of the image above and a small book in which each child has a page with their picture and their thoughts on why they love their teacher and what their teacher does that makes them laugh.

I did the picture part and thought it was an incredibly fun and easy project. Just pick out the letters based on the amount of kids in the class and take pictures at the school. (I had each kid set their letter down for a separate picture that went in the book.) This final image was put together in Photoshop, but you could also attach individual prints to a paper as you can see below:

My friend who originally gave me this idea also likes to use this for teacher appreciation weeks at school. They make a huge version with 8x10 prints of the kids. With my son entering kindergarten this fall (gulp!) I think I will be stealing that idea too!

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Susan R. said...

This is the greatest idea ever. What a great way to thank the teacher while involving the kids!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

paperlili said...

What a cute idea!

Amber Lynn said...

hey hol, I cant get on your blog.. add me woman.. atjswens@mail.com. hope your doing good!

Anonymous said...

blog walking
nice to be here

Blend said...

Excellent idea! great creative thinking........

pat said...

I especially love when m. is in the photos. Lovely work Holly.

Stephanie said...

I LOVE this idea. It's much more memorable than chocolates or little trinkets. This is sure to warm a teacher's heart.

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I did this but used the app on my ipad called lovebooth took a picture of my daughters kindergarden class her teacher is retireing it came out great she loved it

Anonymous said...

I love your idea!!! I have the pictures, but can't find an app or program to put together on a page. Can you help direct me? I'm doing a happy birthday, I have 22 individual pics of kiddos holding a single letter.

Luciana said...

Very good!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea