You can actually play with this doll! Her moods are determined by her children's, and can be changed as needed - from calm/happy to frazzled/crazy by changing her head. Mom also has a change of shoes - for day into evening change her sneakers into heels {as any fashionable modern mom would do}.
Happy Worker wants to make a mom smile {and giggle} for Mother's Day by offering one tutus and turtles reader a fun SuperMom {your new trusty sidekick}!
All you have to do is swing by their site, check out SuperMom herself and let us know what Super Power you think she should have that she doesn't have already.

*Please leave your name with the comment, we will get contact information after you win.
*Duplicate comments or comments without a name will be ignored.
*One entry per person, please.
*Giveaway will be open for comments until Midnight PST on Mother's Day, Sunday May 11th.
*Winner will be picked at random and announced Monday afternoon.
*Winner must contact us within one week of the giveaway closing or a new winner will be chosen.
I know this is just a form of multi tasking but what about driving a car at 50+ mph with one hand while your other arm is stretched backwards holding in a pacifier!! =)
Oh my - she need to be able to attend piano lessons and softball practice and karate class ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Can SuperMom be in ALL PLACES at ALL TIMES? How can I get that Superpower?
Wow! I think supermom should have the power to be a superchef! Everything she cooks is simple yet delicious! Or a superteacher :P Everything she teaches is easy to understand :P
bunnybox9 [at] gmail dot com
eyes in the back of her head
This mommy needs a set of keys for her and the baby needs a set too. I know my son loves to hold our car keys. Stephanie
Awesome cooking skills and being able to fly
I think she needs to have the power to grow extra arms to multi-task even more. I wish I had an extra set of arms when I have to carry my two around.
I definitely think flying would help when running behind schedule, and maybe some super power of persuasian that would make kids want to listen the FIRST TIME so she didn't have to repeat everything over and over!!
Deanna E.
I would say the ability to keep the house spotless at all times! ~KaLee
This is so funny! I would say she needs the ability to change a diaper at anytime and anyplace super fast! Now dad can't do that:)
That is awesome!
Some kind of super power that makes her so she dosen't have to smell certain things at times....understand? Fun!
Wow, um, how about understanding toddler talk? That skill would definitely come in handy right now with my two year old.
Marielle C.
Hmmm. The ability to never need sleep and add extra hours in the day would help me out!
That is the cutest thing I have ever seen & I have to have one! She should have homework helper as a super power, that homework can be a killer!
I dont know if I have any more super powers!! She has it all!!! These are hilarious!!
Crazy Creativity --- as a mom I play pretend, make up names to every animal, person, item drawn in a book, create stories like sugar bugs that eat teeth if the teeth don't get brushed every day and night, etc. Don't we all use creativity every day?
An ability to never get bored when reading the same books over and over and over and over...
The ability to change diapers with one hand!
I blogged your contest on Prize-A-Tron
I love this doll, how funny! Supermom needs to have the power to get by on 0 sleep!
This. is. awesome!!! I need one of those! Im the queen of multi-tasking. :) Thank you!
She should have the ability to understand all of her kids' homework all the time.
This is hilarious!
She needs to have the ability to make my kids sleep in their own beds!! ARGH!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
A built in lie detector...a must with superheroes!
3beez at bellsouth dot net
Can go 24/7 with a smile always on her face!
a few other super powers this momma should have are chef, mega maid, always in tune spiritually, these are just a few simple additions to the woman who does it all.
katherine mw.
I love these toys! I few powers I think mom could also have are:
taxi-driver, sports mom, tutor/teacher, mediator,boo boo
bandager and hug handler. Thanks,Cindi
This is GREAT!!!!I love it!!! I still love action figures and she is just perfect! Well, almost. She *needs* to
perfect her *juggling* skills. She needs to be able to make dinner with one hand while holding baby all while getting dressed in evening wear and pearls to greet that man at the door **after his hard day at work**.
I do so want this doll!!! oh pleez lucky stars. pleez dear robot.
How awesome! She just needs to be able to have some super powers like talk on the phone change a diaper, have dinner ready, taxi the kids around and of course clean the house spotless!
How about more arms??
mountainrailway at gmail dot com
I think supermom should have the power to be a superchef!
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