
Princess Tots Boutique Giveaway Winners!

The winners of the Princess Tot's headband, beanie, and bracelet sets are . . .

. . .Jen C. (510Jen) and Kendra Meyers!

Congratulations! Please email Kelly at coccoletta@gmail.com with your favorite style and size of each item.

If you are interested in knowing about any future promotions, sales, or new items from Princess Tots Boutique, send an email with "mailing list" in the subject line to coccoletta@gmail.com and they will put you on their confidential mailing list.

To look at all the darling stuff Princess Tots Boutique sells, click here. Be sure to check out the sale section to find the perfect hat or headband to go with your daughter's holiday outfit!

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1 comment:

Kendra Meyers said...

Wow, I can't believe it! Thanks, guys!