
Weego Bottles

Get more than candy and scares this Halloween, October 31st is the day that Weego bottles will be available. What makes these bottles so special is that you get the safety and security of glass with a plastic-free, 100% non-toxic protective sleeve to help prevent breakage. This sleeve also provides a good grip to keep the bottle from slipping out of wet hands. Of course, the color selection is fabulous too! With all of the recent concerns over plastics leaching chemicals, it is reassuring that the nipple is latex-free and non-toxic, and all other parts contain no polycarbonates and are food grade and FDA approved.

Babylife is proud to give you a choice in using a baby bottle that is bisphenol A, phthalate, PVC, and polycarbonate-free and I am excited to have some healthy and convenient bottle-feeding options.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous!

Plus, they are glass so they'll last forever. I'll only have to buy them once and they're not toxic!

Thanks for the info!