
Homework Station

Having been a teacher in my previous life, I once required my students to have a special spot at home dedicated for just doing homework. The purpose for this assignment was to get them to focus on just homework. Well, this month in the Family Fun Magazine they had an ingenious idea! They used a tri-fold display board, decorated it and used it on the kitchen table. Not only is it completely functional, but you can simply put it away when the homework is done. The other cool part is that when kids are involved in creating something they are more likely to take care of it and use it!


  1. I just saw that yesterday in my magazine and I am so excited to make one! Have you done it yet?

    We should swap pictures of them!

  2. When I was in elementary school, we each had one on our desks in the classroom to use during tests and quiet reading. I love the idea of using one at home!

  3. My son would have a lot of fun with this. We might be trying it out soon.
