Now I have two little ones that would be tickled pink to have their own Valentine's mailbox where they could drop off colors they pictured, "I "heart" U"s that they write, and find treasures delivered just for them. Instead of stopping at Valentine's Day, the entire month of February could become our month to go out of our way to express our love for each other. This time around we are going to need something a little more permanent than a paper box because my days of spending hours upon hours on disposable creations are over...
Valentine Chair Backer
I remember a February long ago when I carefully and lovingly pieced together a rather fancy paper mailbox for my younger sister to use for her school's Valentine's Day party. It was lovely and she adored it.
Now I have two little ones that would be tickled pink to have their own Valentine's mailbox where they could drop off colors they pictured, "I "heart" U"s that they write, and find treasures delivered just for them. Instead of stopping at Valentine's Day, the entire month of February could become our month to go out of our way to express our love for each other. This time around we are going to need something a little more permanent than a paper box because my days of spending hours upon hours on disposable creations are over...
Amy at Our Scoop created these darling Valentine Chair Backers and generously put together a detailed tutorial so we can all make our own bags to be filled with Valentine loveliness all February long! Keeping everyone's bag on their chair makes the finished project easy to use and keep organized and you can reuse them for years to come.
Now I have two little ones that would be tickled pink to have their own Valentine's mailbox where they could drop off colors they pictured, "I "heart" U"s that they write, and find treasures delivered just for them. Instead of stopping at Valentine's Day, the entire month of February could become our month to go out of our way to express our love for each other. This time around we are going to need something a little more permanent than a paper box because my days of spending hours upon hours on disposable creations are over...
Oh my!!!! This is the greatest Valentine idea ever! I am headed to the store right now :)